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bahee hadaegh

bahee hadaegh

bahee hadaegh    (FA Page)

Associate Professor
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FirstName And Last Name Project Name Degree download-thesis def-date
mozhgan abbasi Shakespeare's Voice as Early Modern Liberal Ironist: A Selective Reading M.S 1401/06/12
Ali Aghaei A Levinasian Reading of Shakespeare and Kane: A Selective Reading of the Plays Ph.D 1401/06/20
Abolfazl Ahangariahangarkolaei Reconsidering the Contemporary as a Historical Moment in the Light of the Comparative Political Study of Shakespeare and Islamic Mystical Tradition: A Hegelian Reading M.S 1398/11/06
Mobina Akbarzade moallemkolaei A Comparative Study of Forough Farrokhzad and Sylvia Plath’s Poems: A Kristevian Reading M.S 1394/12/05
AHMED Al-HAIDERI Interrelationship between South American History and Magical Realism as a Literary Genre: A Comparative Study of Isabel Allende’s The House of the Spirits, Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude, and Jorge Louis Borges’s The Aleph and Other Stories: A New Historicist Study Ph.D
rana alkadhim The Effect of Technology on Human Identity in Science Fiction A Posthumanist Study in Selected Novels of Shelly, Wells, and Stephenson Ph.D 1403/06/27
afrah almusawi War–Trauma as Means of Female Self – Realization in Selected Contemporary Nigerian Women’s Novels Ph.D
raghad alsudani Reimagining the Black Identity: Dreams and Hopes of the Afro-Americans as Depicted in Elizabeth Alexander’s Poetry Ph.D
RUSTAM AMIRAHMADI An Althusserian analysis of Magic Seeds and Half a Life by V. S. Naipaul M.S 1392/06/26
Azita Ansari Will to Power or the Power of Culture?: A Philosophical/Political Reading of the TV Series, House of Cards M.S 1402/11/18
Sanaz Bayat Schema Poetics and Lynn Nottage´s Selected Plays Ph.D 1400/02/21
Marjan Daraee A Comparative Analysis of the Motif of Woman in Three Short Stories of Alice Munroe and Anton Chekhov M.S 1394/03/30
Roksana Dayani nomadological Manifestations and the Questing Identity of African American Flâneur in the Selected Plays by August Wilson Ph.D 1399/11/14
mehdi deilami An Investigation of Emotions and Love in Molloy by Samuel Beckett Based on Nussbaum’s Theory of Emotions M.S 1396/12/20
Sahel Ebrahimi Tracing the Footsteps of Ecofeminism in Robin McKinley’s Fairylands M.S 1395/12/04
Farshid Farahbakhsh Ambiguity of Good and Evil in TV Series The Supernatural M.S 1397/06/26
Neda Farahi Psychological Study of Violence in the selected dramas of Sam Shepard M.S 1395/06/28
Seyedeh Sara Foroozani Eugene O’Neill in the Eyes of Theodor Adorno’s Aesthetic Theory: Four Masterpieces Ph.D 1400/02/29
Mohsen Habibinasab A Postcolonial Comparative Study of the Location of the Hybrid Subject in Macbeth and the Death of Yazdgerd M.S 1399/06/31
Himan Heidari The Representation of Gender in Robert J. Merritt’s The Cake Man and Jack Davis’s The Dreamers M.S 1396/06/28
husam ibrahim A socio-political study of selected Iraqi and American contemporary women novels M.S 1402/04/27
Parvaneh Javidnejat The Power of Mind and Love in the Harry Potter Series: A Berkelyan Reading M.S 1394/09/25
nadhim73 kadhim Man’s Identity and Smart-City Space in Knight Rider TV Show, Neuromancer Science Fiction, and Minority Report Film Ph.D
Sepehr Karimi Revisionist Mythmaking in Persian and Western Plays Selective Readings M.S 1399/06/22
Zeinab Karimi ?i?ek and Children's Theatre: A Critical Study of Selected English and Persian Plays M.S 1397/06/27
behin khezerlou Religiosity of Violence: A Comparative Analysis of Shakespeare’s Roman Tragedies and a Selection of Yorgos Lanthimos Cinematic Productions M.S 1400/06/31
Javad Khorsandi “Look with Thine Ears”: Deprecation of Ocularcentric Culture in William Shakespeare’s Selected Tragedies Ph.D 1402/06/22
Zahrasadat Khosravi Utopian Dynamics of the Imaginary: A Blochian Reading of Shakespeare’s Selected Comedies M.S 1399/11/29
Zahra Meshkani a Note on the Rhetoric of Ethics in Selected Contemporary Irish Dramas: An Arendtian Reading M.S 1400/06/31
Merat Motaghi Schopenhaeurian/ zapffian existentialism in two plays of henrik ibsen: the wild duck and rosmersholm M.S 1395/06/14
Seyyed Mehdi Mousavi The Otherness of Cultural Memory: From Shahnameh to Seamus Heaney Ph.D 1397/11/27
Fatemeh Nahas Rehistorisizing Functions of the Flâneur and its Manifestations in Shakespeare's Selected Tragedies M.S 1400/10/26
shahad naser Ph.D
Nazanin Nayyeri A Study of Philip K. Dick’s Novels of 60s Based on Levinas’s Philosophy of Ethics Ph.D
Muhammad Hussein Oroskhan Questioning the Rhythm of American Self: The Reflection of the Liberal Ironist in Sam Shepard's Selected Plays Ph.D 1400/03/19
Milad Pashaei areshtanab A Semiotic Reading of the Theater of the Absurd in the Plays of samuel beckett, eugene ionesco and arthur adamov M.S 1396/11/18
Hamidreza Pilehvar Fantastic Mechanism of Discourses in Contemporary American Drama M.S 1396/06/28
Mohsen Rezaeian Rewriting the City: Space and Urbanism In Bret Easton Ellis’s Less than Zero and American Psycho Ph.D 1400/11/09
Mostafa Sadeqi World Literature and Iranian Cinema: A Selective Gender Approach Ph.D 1400/06/03
Seyede samaneh Saeid Cultural Memory and Identity Empowerment: from Balinese Performance to European New Drama (A Study Of Visual Provocations) M.S 1397/06/27
Siamak Shahabi British Political Theatre of William Shakespeare and David Hare Dynamics of Power Establishment, Social Institutions, and Public Ph.D 1401/04/29
Mozhgan Shirazi A Jaspersian Reading of Chosen Dramas of the Great Classics, the Renaissance, and Postmodern Era towards the Concept of Madness M.S 1396/06/28
mohsen sohrabi A Heideggerian Reading of The Eumenides, Oedipus Rex, and The Bacchae M.S 1393/12/06
maryam tajizadehkan The posthuman condition in the selected novels of Asian diaspora Ph.D
tohid teymouri Conceptual Analysis and Evaluation of Different Forms of Transfiguration in Related Discourses: A Foucauldian Study M.S 1392/04/08
Roghayeh Zare Navigating Diasporic Identities: A Postcolonial and Spatial Analysis of Social Space Production and Identity Formation in Jhumpa Lahiri's novel The Lowland (2013) and Ruben ?stlund's film The Square (2017) M.S
مرتضی عزیزی The Application of Heidegger's Anxiety Theory to The Silmarillion M.S 1398/11/30
The Influence of the Neoplatonic Concept of Poetic Imagination on Wordsworth’s Poetry M.S 1391/06/20
Australian First Nation Speculative Fiction: Decolonial Study of Archie Weller’s Land of the Golden Cloud Ph.D
Jafar Abbaszade A Neuroscientific Approach to Virginia Woolf’s Mrs Dalloway and To the Lighthouse M.S 1395/06/20
ali al attwani Exploring Hybrid Self and Identity: A Postcolonial Study of Possessing the Secret of Joy and Breath, Eyes, Memory and Dessa Rose and A Mercy Ph.D
ahmed al darraji Colonization of Iraq (2003) and its Social, and Psychological Traumatic Repercussions Represented in the selected Contemporary English Plays Ph.D 1403/06/07
Rasool AL-MUSLIMAWI Cultural Alienation, Otherness and Hybridity in Lahiri's The Lowland and Ahmed Saadawi’s Frankenstein in Baghdad Ph.D
bahareh bahrami A Portrait of The Artist as an Everyman: Reading Joyce Through Lacan M.S 1392/06/23
Mohammad Amin Baladi An Examination of the Vietnamese Diasporic Experience in Ru, a Novel by Kim Thuy M.S
Zahra Barghani The Cinematic Adaptation and Appropriation of Darren Aronofsky’s Noah from The Bible M.S 1394/06/31
sasan bassirat Individual vs. Society, A Study of Eugene Ionesco’s Rhinoceros and Arthur Miller’s The Crucible M.S 1391/07/11
ESMAEL BEHESHTI ZADEH A Comparative Study on Keats’s Lamia and Nezami's Haft Peykar, "the Story of Turquoise Pavilion" M.S
Nima Behroozi Moghadam In Them More than Themselves: The Encounter with Neighbor in Philip K. Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? M.S 1393/06/18
Hossein Davari An Anti-Capitalist Study of David Hare’s Selected Plays Ph.D 1403/06/06
Faraz Faghih Kia Analysis of Identity Crisis in Orhan Pamuk's The Snow from a Postcolonial Perspective M.S 1395/12/22
SABA FALLAH A Comaparative Analysis of the Concept of Anxiety in Hedayat's The Blind Owl and Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-Five M.S 1393/10/30
Mahboubeh Farhangi A Critical Posthumanist Reading of Autistic Identity in Contemporary Young Adult Fiction Ph.D 1400/11/15
Kiana Fazilat Moadeli An Intersectional Study of Leigh Bardugo's Six of Crows M.S 1401/11/15
Shole Fetraty A ‍omparative Study of Bird Imagery in the Poetry of Shelley, Whitman and Nima M.S 1392/07/09
Seyedeh Sara Foroozani Expressionism in Tennessee Williams’ The Glass Menagerie and Eugene O’Neill’s The Hairy Ape and Selected Paintings of Franz Marc M.S 1395/05/02
redha galaawy An Ecofeminist Study of Margaret Atwood’s, Ursula Le Guin’s, and Barbara Kingsolver’s Selected Novels Ph.D 1403/06/06
marzie ghanaat pishe An analysis of Traumatic Experience in Atwood's Oryx and Crake and Mc Carthy's The Road M.S
Amir Hassan Haghshenas A Comparative Critique of the Anthropocentric Man in William Shakespeare’s The Tempest and Denis Villeneuve’s Dune M.S 1402/06/21
saba hedayati A Comparative Reading on Performative Gender Identities in Selected Works of Children's picture books M.S 1402/12/26
Mahdi Javidshad Theatrical Adaptations of Shakespeare’s Selected Tragedies in Iran Ph.D 1398/10/11
Marjan Khodamoradpour لاتین: Traumatic Emasculation, Hegemonic Remasculinization: A Comparative study of Post-9/11 Masculinities in Selected American and Iranian-American Novels Ph.D
Marjan Khodamoradpour A Fiskian Reading of The Great Gatsby and its 2013 Cinematic Adapatation M.S 1393/06/29
Soheil Khodaparasti A New Historicist Reading of the Selected Novels of Cormac McCarthy Ph.D
Golbarg Khorsand A Butlerian Reading of Ernest Hemingway's Personality and his Selected Works Ph.D 1396/11/02
taif kweshee An Intersectional Critique of Female Identity in Ann Petry's The Street (1946), Octavia Butler's Kindred (1979), and Nella Larsen's Passing (1929) Ph.D
Bahare Mehrabi Fall of Human Nature: A Literary Darwinist Reading of Hamlet and Selected Plays by Beckett and Pinter: An Investigation of Motif of Action/Inaction Ph.D 1395/06/10
Sayyad Mehdi Mirzaee Exploration Of Existentialist Themes In Shavian Drama M.S 1392/06/23
Ali akbar Moein A Postcolonial Reading of David Hare’s A Map of the World and Saigon: Year of the Cat M.S 1399/06/31
Mousa Mohamadrezaee esfarjani Frankenstein: Voice of the Romantics M.S 1397/11/30
Ali Nakisa The Moral Perspective of Children and Adolescents in Selected Novels of Cormac McCarthy Ph.D
donia namvar A Lacanian study of Harry Potter M.S 1394/06/17
dheyaa nayel A Postcolonial and Ecofeminist Study of Toni Morrison’s Sula, Kamala Markandaya’s Nectar in a Sieve, and Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things Ph.D
milad nematizadeh A Lacanian Reading of Love in Virginia Woolf’s The Waves M.S 1394/04/03
Farzad Parsayi A Study of the Adaptation of Edgar Allen Poe's Selected Short Stories into The Dark Eye Video Game. M.S 1394/12/19
mohammadmehdi saberi A Postcolonial Reading of Athol Fugard's "Master Harold"… and the boys M.S 1398/06/31
Somayeh Sadat A Study of Power Relations in Margaret Atwood's Selected Novels Ph.D
Saeb Shabani Foucauldian Power Relations in Virginia Woolf’s Selected Novels Ph.D 1402/11/15
David Shahpasandi The Nature of 18th Century Verse Satire and its Classical Heritage M.S 1393/04/18
parisa shams Subverted Genders and Troubled Relationships in an Attempt for Power: A Butlerian Reading of Albee’s Two Major Plays M.S 1391/12/16
Hadi Shayeganfar A Comparative Study of Edgar Allan Poe's Influence on Contemporary Persian Poetry M.S 1392/07/10
Alae Sherafat A Study of Mastery and Dehumanization in Denis Villeneuve’s Film, Arrival, and Ted Chiang's Short Story, “Story of Your Life” M.S 1401/10/19
Marjan Shoghabi A Comparative Study of the Wise fool in Shakespeare's King Lear and Attar's Ilahi Nameh M.S 1396/12/19
Pegah Taghvaei Motherly Mythology Annihilated by Patriarchal Discourse: A Psycho-Ecocritical Study of Darren Aronofsky’s mother! and John Milton’s Paradise Lost M.S 1401/06/21
Venus Torabi The Adaptation of Borges's "The Intruder" to Film and Cyber Literature M.S 1392/12/20
Yasaman Yassi pour tehrani The Concept of Power in Four Cinematic Adaptations of ‘Macbeth’ in the 21st Century Ph.D 1400/04/21
zahra zarei The Intermedial Adaptation of Mario Puzo’s The Godfather M.S 1392/12/20
Mahsa Zare A ?i?ekian Reading of Eugene O’Neill’s The Hairy Ape and Long Day’s Journey into Night M.S 1398/02/17
Mahsa Zayani Hedayatpour Performativity in Oscar Wilde’s Three Plays M.S 1395/06/29
اخلاص محمد ناتی العابدی Contextualizing Nigerian Women : A Study of Nego Feminism in Selected Nigerian plays. Ph.D
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